Tobias Bieker

Marketing Associate at ZenMarket Inc - , ,

Tobias Bieker's Contact Details
ZenMarket Inc
Tobias Bieker's Company Details
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ZenMarket Inc

, , • 51 - 200 Employees

ZenMarket is a fast-growing e-commerce service undergoing rapid growth with roughly 800,000 registered users around the globe. ZenMarket was founded in April 2014 in Japan with the primary business being a shopping proxy service, facilitating the acquisition of goods from Japanese online stores and auctions for those outside of Japan. ZenMarket is now developing and running additional e-commerce projects: ZenPop and ZenPlus. A monthly subscription service, and a custom platform for Japanese merchants to directly reach foreign customers, respectively.Since ZenMarket's inception, customers have used the service to win 1,000,000 auctions, as well as purchase over 500,000 unique items from various online stores. ZenMarket now ships about 13,000 parcels each month from our multiple warehouses in the Osaka area.ZenMarket has a diverse staff of over 200 employees worldwide. As a rapid-growing business and industry pioneer, ZenMarket is an exciting, fast-changing organization where employees are given significant opportunities and responsibility for professional development. As a company doing business outside of Tokyo, ZenMarket has been recognized as one of the top 100 ventures in western Japan. (は、現在急速に成長しているEコマースサービスであり、世界中で約80万人の登録ユーザーを抱えております。2014年4月に日本で設立され、主な業務は日本国外の方々のために、日本国内のオンラインストアやオークションから商品を購入し発送までを手掛ける購入代行サービスです。現在、ZenPopとZenPlusという2つの新たなプロジェクトを開発中です。これらは月額定期購入サービスと、日本国内の販売業者が海外の顧客に直接リーチできる弊社独自のプラットフォームです。サービス開始以来、弊社のお客様は100万件のオークションを落札し、さまざまなオンラインストアから50万点を超える商品を購入しました。また、毎月約1万もの小包を大阪にある2か所の倉庫から世界中に向けて発送しています。弊社は世界中に200名以上の従業員を抱えております。急速に成長するビジネスと業界のパイオニアとして、ZenMarketは常に変化する組織であり、従業員には大きなチャンスとスキル開発の機会が与えられています。また、弊社は「注目の西日本ベンチャー100」にノミネートされました。 (

Details about ZenMarket Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Tobias Bieker
Tobias Bieker currently works for ZenMarket Inc.
Tobias Bieker's role at ZenMarket Inc is Marketing Associate.
Tobias Bieker's email address is *** To view Tobias Bieker's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Tobias Bieker works in the Retail industry.
Tobias Bieker's colleagues at ZenMarket Inc are Alejandra Bolanos, Romain Garnier, Greg Mackay, Riho Ohara, Viacheslav Surovyi, Dzvenyslava Bychek, Mai Ishihara and others.
Tobias Bieker's phone number is
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