Public Libraries In Jefferson County is the name for the consortium of public libraries in Jefferson County. The administrative office of the organization is housed at Birmingham Public Central Library. There has been some type of countywide public library service since 1924; however, it was in 1978 that no-fee service for all citizens of Jefferson County was established. The organization was restructured as Birmingham Area Library Services in 1985 under the guidelines for systems issued by the Alabama Public Library Service. Renamed the Jefferson County Library Cooperative in 1997, the organization continues under its formal establishment as a not-for-profit educational organization. This enables JCLC to apply for grants, and to enter into joint purchasing agreements on behalf of its member public libraries. The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the organization as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational organization. JCLC revenue is derived from State Aid to Public Libraries, the Jefferson County Commission, and fees for cooperative services paid by member libraries.