The Haircut Pro was established in May 2016. With the educational backing of the ICUTPRO system, the Haircut Pro is responsible for proper grooming of the modern man, woman, and child. The ICUTPRO system educates barbers on how to properly engage clients and maintain a more professional environment. Todd Bernard, the purveyor of the ICUTPRO brand has been in the barbering industry for over 20 years and has created a system that rescues barbers from long hours and low wages. There has been a major expansion in men's grooming within the 21st-century. Todd Bernard has created the ultimate experience for the modern man and woman to have proper grooming done to their skin, hair and scalp. With these areas being the most commonly affected, innovative services such as ingrown hair extraction, hair color, skin detox facials, and scalp exfoliation were created to help combat issues that could lead to balding and common skin disorders. The Haircut Pro is currently serving Westchester County and the surrounding areas of New York. After one year of business The Haircut Pro strives to generate a higher end clientele by creating a quality environment conducive to the modern day professional. With time being our most valuable asset and the understanding that professionals are always on the clock, we try to maintain a schedule with our clients with the understanding that appointments prevent disappointments. Experience the next level of grooming in modern haircuts by booking your next appointment with us at www.icutpro.comWww.icutpro.com914 668 4288103 E 3rd Street