Finding your way.Scout is here to help. The ever-changing environment of employee benefits can quickly become overwhelming. The Affordable Care Act, medical inflation and constrained budgets add to the stress of finding solutions that work for your business, help you attract and retain employees all while remaining in compliance with legislative changes.We Get It.Trust is Important. We work with our Clients as a strategic partner to identify and develop customized benefit solutions. Scout works with you to evaluate your organization, including its culture and constraints and assist you with placing new plans and programs. Then we help develop and implement a strategy that produces measurable financial results.The industry is constantly changing and Scout works to ensure that clients are informed and prepared for those changes well in advance.The Affordable Care Act is an example that has created a lot of questions and confusion about the law's effect on employers. There are many different operational models, and for purposes of the ACA, one size does not fit all.The potential impact and related legal risks of the ACA continue to change every year.PEOPLE FIRSTOur culture is built in the service of helping others, not self-interest. We believe that people come first and deserve to be treated with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, gender, or religion.DO NO HARMWe work for the benefit of our clients and will engage in no activity or decision which could bring harm to any person or company. We will share our knowledge and expertise with our staff and our clients to consistently deliver our best service.SHARE IN SUCCESSWe believe that "like attracts like" and will share and celebrate stories of success. Our focus on positive and compelling stories is a reminder that we work with people not projects.