Asia Head of FX & Macro Analysis at In Touch Capital Markets - Wimbledon Village, ENG, UK
InTouch Capital Markets (ITC) is the premier specialist provider of objective, intraday information, analysis and colour on the financial markets for institutional clients. Founded in 2004, ITC is run by a team of former bank traders, strategists and portfolio managers based in London, New York and Singapore.ITC provides specialist products focused on Rates, FX and Central Banks that are used by traders and sales professionals at most major banks, brokers and proprietary trading houses. Our strengths are the experience and quality of our team, our wide network of contacts and our technological investments that allow us to provide colour and insights on breaking market events that can't be found anywhere else.ITC's mission is to add colour and insight back into the markets which became more opaque as they moved away from the old system of pit trading towards electronic trade. Market professionals are overloaded with news and data but insights into what is really driving the markets are often difficult to obtain. ITC fills that gap, collecting and filtering through the information swamp and combining it with views from our contact base and our own analysis to provide a distilled view.Our core product includes:InTouch Fixed Income: written, intraday, time sensitive, coverage of global bonds, IR swaps, futures/options & repoInTouch FX: written, intraday, time sensitive, coverage of G10 & EM FX marketsEconoStream: analysis & insights on central banks and live coverage of their events