Todd Machan

Catalog Manager at MotoRad Ltd. - Bar-Lev Industrial Park, , IL

Todd Machan's Contact Details
MotoRad Ltd.
Todd Machan's Company Details
MotoRad Ltd. logo, MotoRad Ltd. contact details

MotoRad Ltd.

Bar-Lev Industrial Park, , IL • 250 - 499 Employees

MotoRad is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high-quality, reliable and durable thermostats, caps and engine management solutions for the Aftermarket.All MotoRad Aftermarket products are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed original equipment specifications, with the goal of keeping the engines of millions of cars on the world's roads cool and operating efficiently.Established in 1958 by Mr. Joseph Fishman as Fishman Engineering Ltd., today MotoRad is a private company owned by Fortissimo Investment Funds. The company's headquarters, manufacturing and R&D centers are located at a facility covering more than 25,000 square meters in Israel's Western Galilee. At MotoRad, we strive to provide our customers with innovative high-quality products in a timely manner at competitive prices.

Automobile cooling systems Gas Caps Oil Caps Radiator Caps Standard Thermostats Integrated Housing Thermostat Thermal management
Details about MotoRad Ltd.
Frequently Asked Questions about Todd Machan
Todd Machan currently works for MotoRad of America.
Todd Machan's role at MotoRad of America is Catalog Manager.
Todd Machan's email address is *** To view Todd Machan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Todd Machan works in the Automotive industry.
Todd Machan's colleagues at MotoRad Ltd. are Becky Lucas, Tamara Gaalema, Nicholas Goodbinder, Rachel Ackerman, Justin Galey, Kyla Bailey, Eric Carroll and others.
Todd Machan's phone number is ["+13308990340"]
See more information about Todd Machan