At Independent Rx Consulting our mission is to strengthen and change the community pharmacy industry by providing first time and growing community pharmacy owners with the skill and knowledge to be successful over the long-term. Whether you are current owner looking to expand through acquisition or planning to become a pharmacy owner by starting a new pharmacy we want to provide you with the knowledge and skill set to succeed. We will help you answer questions like how much cash do I need to start a pharmacy, what is the best technology, do I have the right location, how do I market my pharmacy, what licenses do I need and how much inventory should I have? Independent Rx Consulting has the experience, skills, contacts and processes to help you become a successful owner. Our business is lead by a team of current pharmacy owners with over 100 years of independent pharmacy experience. We started this business because were being contacted regularly by entrepreneurs looking for help. We didn't always have the time to help them and when we did it was only for short periods. Now we have a team dedicated to the entrepreneurs of the pharmacy industry.