Since 1964, Campbell Construction has been making Vancouver Island a finer place to live, work, learn and play. In fact, the hundreds of projects successfully completed by our company form the heart of many vibrant island communities. Over the past 54 years, Campbell Construction Ltd. has become an industry leader completingthousands of projects across Vancouver Island, including heritage restoration, publicinstitutional and recreation facilities, schools, office buildings, restaurants, hospitals and carefacilities, high-rise condominiums, townhouses, etc.Campbell Construction Ltd. has earned the reputation as a quality GeneralContractor/Construction Manager who completes projects on time and on budget. Our staff,both in the office and out in the field, are diverse and qualified to deal with any project regardlessof its complexity.While completing many projects as a "true General Contractor", utilizing our own forces formuch of the work, we are also skilled in overall Construction Management and have completedhundreds of projects in this capacity.With our large crew of own forces staff, we also complete various scopes of work for otherConstruction Managers, Developers and Contractors in a subcontractor role for Excavation/Siteworks, Concrete work, Rough Carpentry/Framing, Finishing and Custom Mill-work.Performing these aspects of the work gives us control of cost and schedule and ensure qualityworkmanship, as well as expertise and overall project management that our firm is well knownfor.