Koseq B.V. is a Dutch manufacturing company that designs and manufactures the Rigid Sweeping Arms for oil spill recovery.The Rigid Sweeping Arms are proven to be the best system to remove oil from water. Our past experiences with large oil spills like the Prestige, the Erika, or the Sea Empress demonstrated that the Rigid Sweeping arms recover more oil in a shorter period of time. This is proven and demonstrated by EMSA.Mechanical containment or recovery is the primary line of defence against oil spills. This method is by far the most desirable, since it does not have detrimental effects on other methods and it prevents further damage before oil reaches the shore. Other methods, like chemical dispersion or insitu burning are not advisable because of the toxic residues that remain in the environment. In cooperation with Rijkswaterstaat (the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management) and T.N.O. (Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research) we began developing the rigid sweeping arm over thirty years ago.The aims were to develop a device that: :- Mechanically recovered large quantities of spilled oil in a short amount of time.- Operated effectively during bad weather conditions and rough seas.- A reliable system.These demands resulted, after a long period of development, in a free floating rigid arm to be pulled directly next to a vessel.