HSC (Hervé Schauer Consultants) was an information security consulting company from 1989 to 2017Herve Schauer Consultants: the significant precursor for more than 25 years.- Security audit: infrastructures of all sizes and all kinds: operating systems, web applications, SCADA, firewalls, IPBX, mainframes, etc… - Internal and external penetration tests: Web applications, wireless technologies (Wifi, RFID), VoIP, telcos infrastructures, etc…- IS Management: ISO 27001, SMSI construction, coaching, councilling, documentation, audit coaching, security policy, charters,….- Risk management: ISO 27005, EBIOS v3, EBIOS 2010, Mehari, security survey, implementation, coaching- Security policies and conformity: ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, RGS,….- Independence and competence: assistance, management, councilling and studies in IS,….- Technical trainings with hands on content: penetration testing, Windows security and Unix/Linux, network security, anti-spam,….- Security management training: CISO (RSSI), ISO 27001 Lead Auditor and Lead Implementer, ISO 27005 Risk Manager, PCI-DSS, IAM,… - E-learning: ISO 27001, hands on PHP secure programming- Forensics & investigations : post-mortem analysis, enquiry after incident, GIAC-certified auditors