OnSite Studios™ is a high-end commercial photography studio that specializes in Real Estate, Architecture, Restaurant/Hospitality, Construction, Retail, Healthcare and special projects. OnSite Studios™ focuses on one thing: To make our clients look better than their competition. Our mission is to create a compelling story that will enable your clients to form an emotional bond to your product, to your service, to your brand … to you.We are committed to creating beautiful, intriguing and technically superior images for your web, print, social media or advertising needs. Our comprehensive array of services set us apart from other studios, allowing us to capture your vision in practically any format, suited for use in any media. We can do product shots, virtual tours, videos and demonstrate to your customers how you make a difference. And there is another important difference: ... We bring the studio to your site. Our expertise ranges from traditional film cameras and darkroom techniques to the latest in digital cameras and advanced image editing software. We is comfortable working in challenging situations: Aerial, Construction sites, Large groups, Architecture, Animals, Food Production, Events/FunctionsOnlinePropertyShowcase™ www.onlinepropertyshowcase.com is a service within our studio that provides stunning images that capture the emotion of a property for Real Estate clients to make their listings look as good as possible.