Specialist Stroke Services grew out of North Derbyshire Stroke Support Group when the Management Committee and members decided that with big changes happening in the NHS it would be better for us all to employ our own specialist support staff. With our local acute hospital dealing with 500 stroke patients every year we needed to create a meaningful and sustainable service. In May 2012 we employed just one person and developed our services. A few months later we appointed our Service Manager. By May 2013, we had grown to nine employees as our service offerings and client base grew. We are a highly-skilled team of experienced specialist stroke support workers, stroke survivors and carers, dedicated to providing the best possible support to those who need it. Our service supports people living with the long-term and often complex challenges associated with stroke. We work with social care staff, GP's, clinical psychologists, community rehab teams, speech and language therapists to provide the best possible service integrated within the local community. At Specialist Stroke Services we provide effective person centred approaches to living with the long term effects of a stroke. Our wealth of experience and in-depth, knowledge means we can deliver specialist connected care that meets a range of needs, providing more effective support for both survivors and carers.