Principal, Partner, and Co-Founder at Northwest Center for Performance Excellence - Portland, OR, US
Discover how your organization can achieve its goals and objectives through process optimization.Even the most successful corporations can improve to achieve greater customer service and business effectiveness. We call this Performance Excellence.Northwest Center for Performance Excellence (NWCPE) enables your business to reach world class maturity levels and accomplish benchmarks for customer satisfaction, loyalty, and return on your investment. We help your company by providing Education and Workshops, Certification Programs, Consulting and Coaching.The foundation of our methodology is Strategy, Culture, and People. Upon that, we build a system of Continual Improvement, Customer focus, Process, and Analysis.NWCPE is a coalition of leading providers of consulting and training in all the parts of the puzzle and include Summit Core Strategies, Lean Manufacturing Tools, and the ZDM Group. Institutional partners include Portland State University's (PSU) Center for Executive and Professional Education, Portland OR., and the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (USFdQ) in Ecuador. Together NWCPE and their institutional partners provide the public and private certification courses, consulting in Lean Methodologies, Six Sigma and related disciplines.NWCPE groups have supported public and private organizations for more than 25 years and have served clients on 5 continents. Language is not a barrier and we have delivered our Performance Excellence training and consulting through English, Spanish, Italian, and German.