Chief Financial Officer | Company Secretary | Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Northern Territory Airports - , , AU
Human Resource Manager | Performance Management | Employee Relations | Airport Development Group
Today, Northern Territory Airports (NTAPL) employ over 80 full-time employees alongside contracted personnel to provide key airport services. As a direct airport group of companies together with our airline customers, we handled over 2.4 million arriving, departing and transit passengers, and the combination of all of the on airport and off-airport businesses that support them contribute over 1.5% of the Gross State Product of the Northern Territory. Moreover, we employ over 1600 people when including our airline customers.Northern Territory Airports Pty Ltd (NTAPL), a subsidiary of Airport Development Group (ADG), owns 100% of Darwin International Airport Pty Ltd (DIA) and Alice Springs Airport Pty Ltd ASA) who are respectively the holders of a 50 year lease over Darwin International Airport and Alice Springs Airport with free options to renew for a further 49 years.