Wall Steet Journal Wines, Virgin Wines, Zagat Wines and Laithwaite Wines
Direct Wines Ltd is an International independent wine merchant with a current turnover of £350m. Direct Wines Ltd launched its first non-UK business in 2007 and currently has operations in the following countries: USA Australia UK Direct Wines Ltd owns Laithwaite's Wine and Averys in the UK. These businesses are operated independently and are responsible for sourcing and marketing their own range. The company employs approx. 1,000 people globally and has always been dynamic and innovative. The first in the world to employ flying winemakers, well trained young Australians hired to turn French grapes into modern wine. We own and operate a number of our own vineyards and wine making facilities in the UK, France, USA and Australia. “We enjoy what we do. When I started I could make no money. For years I was convinced treats like holidays would never happen. So I decided I'd do my daily job, my business, in as enjoyable a way as possible. Then I wouldn't need holidays. I am still enjoying it. The fun keeps us going. And it rubs off on customers too. They like talking to happy people. I hope that whenever anyone at Laithwaites has the choice ‘shall I do this the boring way, or the enjoyable way?’ they know which way to go.” Tony Laithwaite, founder To join our successful and dedicated team please see our vacancies page for current opportunities: https://bit.ly/3sZQFtJ