A Leader in Preabricated Composites Kits. Customers have chosen Ubique Technologies because of the exceptional quality, cost-value, ease of application and our commitment to excellence and customer service. Our prefabricated composites kits work in a wide variety of markets and applications, including marine, automotive, aerospace, industrial, transportation and wind energy. Visit us at www.ubiquetechnologies.com. Services:Core Kits -Precision Cut Core materials any combination of shapes and sizes to suit your needs. Upholstery Substrate Kits materials of you choice prepared for your final upholstery process.Fiberglass Kits -Precut Fiberglass materials to various shapes and patterns packaged to your needs. Materials include Kevlar, Woven, Mat, Technical Fiberglass Fabrics. As well as Infusion materials; Molded Mat and Peel Ply products.Boat in a Box Kits -(READY TO INSTALL) – Pre-cut Fiberglass + Core Packaged together or specifically to your needs. All your dry good components processed ready for installationKit Development CAD Pattern development using pattern materials, CAD files import, Flattening Software: Takes 3D parts to 2D patterns. Maximum efficiency through CAD application and nesting software.FARO LASER SCANNER Digitizes parts in 3D. The accuracy and measurement capabilities of the Laser Scanner is a key component pattern development.