GIS Hero App is a tool that makes it easy for you to download Aerial Imagery (i.e., NAIP, 1-m) and Raster elevation data (i.e., NED, 9-m) and associated terrain derivatives quickly, easily, and inexpensively. In the background:We fetch the individual imagery tiles from the USDA.We stitch the separate imagery tiles to your required boundary.We clip the data to your data to a common projection (EPSG:3857 — WGS84 Web Mercator, Auxiliary Sphere).We clip it to the desired boundary.Company Info:Geospatial Technical Solutions LLC is a Central Iowa web mapping company that builds tools and solutions for city planners, builders and decision makers allowing them to make better land-use planning decisions. We are your affordable mapping solution, that makes it easy for you to utilize, share, and communicate actionable information to your team. Let our team of GIS and land-use planning experts do the hard work of finding actionable data for your areas of interest and put them together in maps that tell your story.