The Windsor Boys' School is a Specialist Arts College and has gained Artsmark Gold and Sportsmark awards. With 967 pupils on roll, of whom 290 are in the sixth form, it caters for boys aged 13 - 18. It is a popular and oversubscribed school.Pupils come from a range of social and economic backgrounds, which are mostly favourable, and their attainment on entry is broadly average. Very few pupils leave or enter the school other than at the times of normal transfer. About a fifth of the pupils are from a variety of minority ethnic heritages, predominantly Indian and Pakistani, and very few are in the early stage of learning English as an additional language.One hundred and eighty two pupils, which as a proportion of the school population is broadly average, have special educational needs and of these 25 pupils have a statement. The range of special needs includes emotional and behavioural difficulties, specific learning difficulties, moderate learning difficulties, hearing and visual impairments, and other medical conditions.