Course Administration at Executive MBA University of Zurich - Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
The Executive MBA Program of the University of Zurich offers upper level executives working in a corporate and administrative environment cutting-edge, advanced interdisciplinary management training.It particularly focuses on a comprehensive view of management problems. The program's cornerstones are its inclusion in the educational offerings of the University of Zurich, its connections to corporate experience, and its international orientation. The curriculum also includes study visits to Yale University (New Haven/USA), Fudan University (Shanghai/China) and Hyderabad (India).The courses leading to the title "Executive MBA of the University of Zurich" are based on a modern understanding of successful management: it is possible to develop successful corporate strategies based on a company's particular environment and an analysis of its strenghts and weaknesses. The individual values of the company define the areas in which potential strategies will actually be implemented.The Executive MBA of the University of Zurich is accredited by EQUIS and AACSB.