Tommy Fernandez

Vanpool Coordinator at Kitsap Transit - Bremerton, Washington, US

Tommy Fernandez's Contact Details
(360) 373-2877
Kitsap Transit
Tommy Fernandez's Company Details
Kitsap Transit logo, Kitsap Transit contact details

Kitsap Transit

Bremerton, Washington, US • 209 Employees

Kitsap Transit has been operating friendly, convenient public transit since 1983. We pride ourselves on providing a reliable service to Kitsap County’s commuter base and a sustainable, green travel option for the environmentally conscious. Whether you’re catching a bus for work or taking a scenic ferry trip, we strive to create enjoyable experiences for our riders. Specialized services are available for commuters and for qualified elderly and disabled riders. Kitsap Transit offers a robust, multi-program transit system which: • Operates routed buses, both regular full-day across the county and custom rush-hour in the ferry terminal areas of the county. • Operates ACCESS services for people who are frail, elderly and disabled throughout most of the county. • Operates a rideshare program composed of Worker/Driver buses, vanpools, SCOOT cars and participation in a Regional Ridematch Program. • Manages a park & ride lot system with more than 2,500 spaces. • Operates a passenger-only ferry service between Bremerton and Port Orchard and Bremerton and Annapolis. • Carries out transit-oriented developments to produce the best and highest transit use of real property. • Contributes to the smart growth development of Kitsap County, especially in urban areas.

Public Transportation Bus Ferry Service Commuter Transportation Accessible Transportation Sustainable Transport Transit-Oriented Development
Details about Kitsap Transit
Frequently Asked Questions about Tommy Fernandez
Tommy Fernandez currently works for Kitsap Transit.
Tommy Fernandez's role at Kitsap Transit is Vanpool Coordinator.
Tommy Fernandez's email address is *** To view Tommy Fernandez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Tommy Fernandez works in the Transportation industry.
Tommy Fernandez's colleagues at Kitsap Transit are Tracey Kramer, Sonya Jorgensen, Eric Trinklein, Ygnacio Espinoza, Cathie Knox-Browning, Riley Moran, Ed Grenfell and others.
Tommy Fernandez's phone number is ["+13603732877"]
See more information about Tommy Fernandez