Tommy Taylor

Manager at Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) - TORONTO, N/A, CA

Tommy Taylor's Colleagues at Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN)
Tommy Taylor's Contact Details
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN)
Tommy Taylor's Company Details
Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) logo, Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) contact details

Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN)

TORONTO, N/A, CA • 5 - 9 Employees
City Government/Municipal Government

What is a Drop-in?Drop-ins provide a welcoming space where participants who are homeless or precariously housed can feel safer and can meet their own basic physical, social, personal, and mental health needs. By building relationships and offering opportunities for participation in community, drop-ins help to foster a positive sense of self. Drop-ins play a key role in breaking down isolation, as well as supporting development of critically important social connections.What is the Toronto Drop-in Network (TDIN)?In the 1990s, drop-ins in Toronto started forming networks to advance an understanding of the drop-in model, and to address issues of common concern. These networks joined to form TDIN: an active coalition of over 50 drop-in centres throughout the City of Toronto that work with people who are homeless, marginally housed, or socially isolated. Our Network includes drop-ins of all sizes, and with a diversity of philosophies that serve men, women, transgender and non-binary people, youth, and seniors. TDIN is a member-based organization, which is trusteed by The Neighbourhood Group | St. Stephen's Community House.Our VisionTo work toward a socially-just Toronto which is safe, healthy, and inclusive.Our MissionTo enhance the capacity of Toronto's network of drop-in centres to improve the quality of life of people who participate in their services.Our Values:- Community-driven and responsive;- Adaptable, innovative, and collaborative;- Respectful of equity and inclusion of TDIN members and participants;- Supportive of participant engagement in program design and delivery, and of participant self-determination.

Civic & Social Organization
Details about Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN)
Frequently Asked Questions about Tommy Taylor
Tommy Taylor currently works for Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN).
Tommy Taylor's role at Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) is Manager.
Tommy Taylor's email address is *** To view Tommy Taylor's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Tommy Taylor works in the City Government/Municipal Government industry.
Tommy Taylor's colleagues at Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) are Vanessa Dewit and others.
Tommy Taylor's phone number is N/A
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