Leadership Counts exists to help entrepreneurs get what they want from their businesses. We do this by helping leadership teams of entrepreneurial companies gain TRACTION. Our clients implement EOS®, the Entrepreneurial Operating System. EOS is simple, but leading change is typically not easy, which is why our clients engage us as Professional EOS Implementers who combine our passion to help, our real world business experience and the skills to engage a Leadership team through a proven process to get stronger at three things:1. VISION: We help leaders get 100% on the same page to simplify & clarify their Vision.2. TRACTION: We instil focus, discipline and accountability, ultimately gaining Traction across the business.3. HEALTHY: We teach leaders tools on how to become a more functional, open and honest and cohesive leadership team, because most teams are not. Our Goals: To put you more in control of your business AND increase the value of your business