Founder, Everyday is EarthDay - One Reusable Item at It's My B, Inc/It's My Bag - , ,
"It's My Bag" eliminates the need for conventional plastic wrapping. The company said that production improvements put in place specifically for the Econo-Bag will let dry cleaners, retail outlets, hotel cleaning services, etc., to more effectively distribute the product to their customers.The quality of the reusable bag remains the same as the original prototype.The patent-pending bag is designed to function as both a hamper and garment bag, allowing consumers to hygienically store both dirty and clean clothes in the same bag, at the same time.Made of durable, flexible vinyl and a breathable non-woven poly-pro material, the Econo-Bag is a versatile, reusable garment bag that will sustain multiple trips to the dry cleaner, the gym, or overnight business trips. It's My B, Inc. was founded in January 2009, by Hicksville, NY, resident Tonia Torrellas. It's My Bag was ranked among "Cool New Green Gear" by after debuting at the New York City Green Expo in March 2010.