American Procurement Services provides international procurement services to international development agencies such as the United Nations, USAID, and World Bank development projects including the US Federal Government Agencies. These projects assist impoverished countries with economic development and poverty reduction in war-torn countries. The ultimate beneficiaries of our services are those suffering from the carnage of wars, and those living in abject poverty, who lack access to good healthcare and education, and who are simply underserved by their communities. The UN and similar agencies rely on procurement service providers like APSCO to achieve their objectives.By operating with sound business principles, thus ensuring our longevity, American Procurement Services provides invaluable and long-term logistics support to those agencies whose goal is to ease human suffering and reduce poverty.APSCO general objective is to provide cost effective procurement services to development projects globally through our manufacturing partners; thereby ensuring competitive prices, timely delivery, and post sales support that enhance the attainment of these projects slated primary objectives.