The Center for Creative Living ChurchWhat is the Church All About? The center is a place to learn grow and advance towards enlightenment. It is part of the which is the spiritual realm of "New Thought" ministries. Dr. Haider is a "New Thought Minister". It is open to all denominations, politics, and organizations. It is a spiritual church . The church is self-supporting by what people donate or tith to the center. The centers identifiable power patterns are those of honesty, responsibility, humility, service, caring, consideration, cooperation, respect, and the practice of tolerance, goodwill, beauty, peace, and brotherhood -- to everything in the universe. It is also a place where healers can come and spread their wings. And there will be a place for their business cards at the back of the room, and they can connect with like minded people who are interested in healing and helps others heal. There is no dogma at this church --- and we integrate spirituality with the new understandings of science (Quantum Physics) with the teachings of the past. Music is welcome! And I would like to see people come and play music at the Center during the first hour each Sunday---it would be great! Love, Care and Support --Dr. Haider