KTO is a leading logistic service provider who focuses on the niche market of floor covering. Headquarters are in Izegem in Belgium, near the border with France.KTO co-ordinates transport, distribution and related logistic activities like storage, order picking, packing and cutting floor covering to standard. Not only collecting and delivering goods but also fine-meshed distribution belong to the core activities of this specialized transport company.The most important products are wall-to-wall carpet, vinyl, rugs, laminate, parquet and related products like underlay, skirting boards, samples and in-store material.The most important products are wall-to-wall carpet, vinyl, rugs, laminate, parquet and related products like underlay, skirting boards, samples and in-store material.KTO mainly organizes transport to construction- and decoration dealers in the Benelux countries, France, Switzerland and Germany. Throughout the years, KTO has developed an international network, which enables the company to transport floor covering to almost entire Central Europe.