Tony Delisle

Executive Director at Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida - Gainesville, FL, US

Tony Delisle's Contact Details
Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida
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Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida logo, Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida contact details

Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida

Gainesville, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

The History of The Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida (CILNCF) involves nearly 40 years of service by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities. The CILNCF is a locally controlled, consumer driven, community based, non-residential, 501(C)3 private not-for-profit organization headquartered in Gainesville, Florida. The Mission of our organization is to empower people with disabilities to achieve their goals for independence. We carry out our mission by advocating for and improving: Community Inclusion, Access to services and resources and Civil rights and equality. We provide all of our services at no cost, serving 16 counties in the North Central Florida region from two locations. The CILNCF provides services to individuals on a cross-disability basis and is consumer-controlled, having at least 51% people with disabilities, comprising both the governing board of directors as well as staff. Our center delivers the five-core services of the Independent Living Program which include Advocacy, Information & Referral, Peer Support, Independent Living Skills Education and Transition. The CILNCF has several other programs complimenting the IL Program such as Wheelchair Ramp Building, Competitive and Supported Employment, ADA Paratransit Screenings, Sign Language Interpreting, DME Closet, Disability Awareness, Emergency Preparedness, and youth transition services.

Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management
Details about Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida
Frequently Asked Questions about Tony Delisle
Tony Delisle currently works for Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida.
Tony Delisle's role at Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida is Executive Director.
Tony Delisle's email address is *** To view Tony Delisle's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Tony Delisle works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Tony Delisle's colleagues at Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida are Erica Serito, Adam Frisco, Terri Poucher, Bob Miller, Sarah Larson, Darrell Willis, Margarita Zaragoza and others.
Tony Delisle's phone number is 352-378-7474
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