JENGE Kulture is a Pan African social change initiative that promotes a culture that translates social concern into creative, innovative action across the continent. JENGE Kulture mobilizes, supports and promotes Africa's Creators, Innovators & Change-makers and the work they do in creating social change in Africa.Why JENGE?The word ‘JENGE' is truncated from the Swahili word ‘TUJENGE' that means ‘LET US BUILD'. JENGE is a philosophy of growth, progress, and development through creative action, underpinned by 3 fundamental principles: Unity in Diversity, Social Responsibility, and Creativity & Innovation.WHAT WE DO• We Build Community (Connecting Creators, Innovators & Changemakers)• We Support Creators, Innovators & Changemakers• We Tell Stories of Creativity & Impact• We Inspire Creativity for Social Change• We Expand Access to OpportunitiesJOIN THE KULTURE• Join a Network• Become a Champion• Participate in the Conversation• Attend Our Events• Buy from JENGE Store• Support Our Work• Share Our Story• Follow Us on Social Media