The Green Cabin Alliance, a new cross-industry group within the aircraft interiors supply chain, is advocating for aviation to work more closely together to decarbonise the design, manufacture and supply of airline cabins.Conceived following a presentation by designer Catherine Barber at the RedCabin Summit in June 2021, the group is working towards awareness-building, connecting innovators, promoting greener materials and processes, encouraging full-life design, increasing transparency, building common language and improving carbon footprint reporting.The Green Cabin Alliance aims to:build awareness of the need to decarbonise aviation, drive action and celebrate best practiceconnect players in our industry to enable innovation in decarbonisation promote lower-carbon materials and processes within cabin design and manufactureencourage cabin design to take full-life emissions and recyclability into accountincrease transparency, build common language, and improve reporting of carbon footprint data throughout the industryAs its first initiative, the Green Cabin Alliance is conducting workshops at the December 2021 RedCabin Summit in Konstanz, Germany with dozens of industry specialists to highlight the forthcoming carbon footprint reporting requirements, particularly around Scope 3 emissions, the indirect emissions in an industry's value chain that are at present often not reported.During these workshops, the Green Cabin Alliance will raise awareness of Scope 3 disclosure requirements, guide participants through the first steps in creating a strategic carbon inventory of the aircraft interiors supply chain, and identify information flows and data requirements in the reporting chain.