Management consulting firm specializing in Intellectual Capital, Intellectual Revenue Assets and Intellectual Property for Business owners who are CEO, Founders dedicated to advancing their firm.The core competence Business-Accelerated Company developed is fidelity in our products and services. We believe operational integrity is paramount to our company's success including our governance and ethics of operational integrity the foundation of our success.Advanced Digital Media provides a clear opportunity to expand lightweight, low-cost tools and services for business consumers. In addition to expanding reach and visibility the company advances into industries where we offer our unique Digital Media Marketing corporate system. We believe the days of klugey, patch and paste creatives ended. Machinery that does not speak to each other is useless in today's environments. The patchwork quilt ended when High Tech opted to control the planet. Now the seamless highly professional integration systems are ingrained with staying power that will last for decades. Be very careful high tech. You, too will be disrupted out of existence. Our app platform integrates the digital components you need and want inside your organization. Imagine your entire company; marketing, sales, sales pipeline, production, operations unified around your core business.No need to wait for innovation. It is here! Enjoy the ride.