Awesome Treasures Foundation is a faith-based Non-Governmental Organization which raises transformational leaders to positively affect Nigeria in line with the Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs) declared by the United Nations. Recognizing that these goals can not be met through the conventional organs of Government, Awesome Treasures Foundation has employed the tools of advocacy and direct intervention to help Nigeria achieve these goals which directly address the most glaring deficiencies in our national life. The realization of these goals which would form the basis for Nigeria's socio-economic growth and the realization of its potential is the Foundation's strongest objective. To promote entrepreneurship and skills acquisition in a bid to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, to provide informal microfinance facilities where needed to enhance the female entrepreneurs small businesses. To aid as many as possible Nigerians achieve their primary or basic education, to empower women mentally and financially, to enlighten families on preventing incurable diseases that threaten their lives and that of their families, to provide basic primary health care and health screening facilities.