X-Noise AS is a Company in Slåttland Group.X-Noise is an engineering company who develop solutions for noise reduction, mainly for offshore and landbased industry. We are located at Rudskogen 100km from Oslo.X-Noise has existed as a product for many years. We have developed our product since 1995 and in 2010 became X-Noise established as a subsidiary of Slåttland Group and operates with sales and engineering.X-Noise can offer- Complete, flexible and module based system for noise reduction, weather protection and design temperature- Designed for offshore and maritime industry - Module based for easy installation and disassembly.- Developed in cooperation with SINTEF- Pre estimated noise reduction with special developed calculation tools- The development through years have given us experience and documented results- Offshore surveys Noise reduction - Støydemping - Acoustics - Akustikk - Støyhus - Enclosure - Støygardin - Noise curtainX-Noise ``a complete solution for unwanted noise``