å·è¡å½¹å¡ãæ å ±ã·ã¹ãã æ¹é©å®¤ãå®¤é· at Nitori Furniture Vietnam EPE - Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
ニトリの理念「ロマン」を原点に、「ビジョン」の実現をめざし続けます。ニトリグループは、「住まいの豊かさを世界の人々に提供する。」というロマン(志)を社員一人ひとりが企業行動の原点として共有しています。そして、グループの力を結集して長期ビジョンの実現に全力を尽くすことを企業活動の指針と位置づけています。ロマンを原点に、ビジョンを実現していくことで、ニトリグループはお客様をはじめとしたステークホルダーの皆様とともに多様な豊かさを分かち合っていきたいと考えています。NITORI's PhilosophyBuilding on our mission statement and continually striving to achieve our vision statement.Here at NITORI Group, we have a mission statement of "To provide the foundation of prosperous home living to the global community." That vision is shared by each one of our employees, as this is the cornerstone of how we behave as a company. We are also committed to devoting all of our energy to achieve our long-term vision statement, maximizing the potential of our group throughout our corporate activities. By building on our mission statement and achieving our vision statement, our aim is to share comfort and luxury with our customers and all of the NITORI Group's stakeholders, in a variety of different ways.