Toverengwa Chigweremba

Brand Representative at National Building Society - Harare, Harare Province, Zimbabwe

Toverengwa Chigweremba's Contact Details
+263 4 700 032
Harare,Harare Province,Zimbabwe
National Building Society
Toverengwa Chigweremba's Company Details
National Building Society logo, National Building Society contact details

National Building Society

Harare, Harare Province, Zimbabwe • 110 Employees
Financial Services

National Building Society Limited ("NBS") is a Registered Building Society under the Building Society Act chapter 24:20. and was set up with the sole mandate of delivering affordable low cost housing through the provision of Mortgage finance to first time home owners primarily for high and medium density developments. Our Mission is to make the dream of owning decent housing a reality for the people of Zimbabwe. We continuously pursue innovative channels in the delivery of service to our clients with a fundamental focus on enabling convenience and affordability. Our business structure is geared towards creation of a one-stop-shop financial powerhouse through a wide array of products and services.

Details about National Building Society
Frequently Asked Questions about Toverengwa Chigweremba
Toverengwa Chigweremba currently works for NBS.
Toverengwa Chigweremba's role at NBS is Brand Representative.
Toverengwa Chigweremba's email address is *** To view Toverengwa Chigweremba's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Toverengwa Chigweremba works in the Financial Services industry.
Toverengwa Chigweremba's colleagues at National Building Society are Petros Chamu, Janeth Kateya, Bianca Mahoso, Memory Matsvetu, Samuel Chirindira, Jane Zinyongo, Chamunorwa Chifodya and others.
Toverengwa Chigweremba's phone number is +263 4 700 032
See more information about Toverengwa Chigweremba