Krakerjak - Marketing & Sales Strategies, is a professional firm owned and operated by Tracy Lauritzen.Krakerjak is set apart from other marketing firms with its unique expertise compiled by a rare mix of salesmanship, business sense, marketing and deep understanding of data and analytics. The firm is designed to be an extension of your organizations executive team.Krakerjak understands the importance of integrating a strategic marketing plan with an organization's sales efforts and measuring the results with analytics. When these three things come together in a strategic plan, organizations can tie the marketing and sales efforts to the return on investment.Krakerjak provides execution in variety of business applications in which are dependent upon your organizations unique goals. Areas include all capacities in marketing from traditional media creative and placement, digital, to social. Sales capacities range from strategic planning, developing sales structures, historic analysis, goal setting & tracking, to compensation development and more. And Analytics includes analyzing, understanding, and recommending action plans based upon analysis findings and interpreting how findings are relative to the organizations goals. Analytics includes areas such as Google Analytics, CRM systems or implementing more advanced analytics software. Initiatives include reviewing or creating plans for the organization, marketing, and sales. Krakerjak - (Crackerjack) a person or thing that shows marked ability or excellence. of marked ability; exceptionally fine. Noun - A person or thing that is remarkable, wonderful, superior, etc.