Your marketing Objectives. Gamified.Gamification is the process of integrating game mechanics to motivate participation, engagement and loyalty. Gamification takes the data-driven techniques that game designers use to engage players, and applies them to marketing experiences. We motivate actions that achieve your marketing objectives in an exciting and engaging way.In a cluttered advertising world, it's tougher than ever to gain consumer attention. And, once you have got it, it's even harder to retain it. In fact, 98% of consumers are skipping ads and 700m ad blockers are installed.Rubin8 executes differently with gamified campaigns that cut through the clutter… In our campaigns:#Players will spend an average of 6minutes engaging with your brand#Produce 8x higher brand recall and positive brand affirmation#Players are 93% likely to make a purchase of your brands product in the next 12 months#Purchases made due to the campaigns will exceed average basket size by 130%#Players will happily refer a friend or share their experienceRubinn8 deploy proven gamification principles to achieve your marketing objectives. Our results exceed all traditional advertising metrics to deliver industry leading ROI for hundreds of brands.