Safety is our Mission!Your safety matters! At SoSafe Pros, we are working to set industry standards by offering training and other safety programs at an affordable rate. We work with your company to implement programs that will strengthen your Safety Culture.Preventable accidents happen every day and can impede on your business. These accidents cause injuries to employees, damages to equipment, and lost time. Providing your employees with the proper training will decrease the number of accidents that occur on your job sites. Your employees need to know that the only way you want them to do their job is the safe way.A safety culture consists of shared beliefs, practices, and attitudes that exist at your company. Culture is the atmosphere created by those beliefs, practices, and attitudes which shape our behavior. Our professionals work with your company to create a program to encourage safe behavior for your employees thus creating a strong Safety Culture.Some of the services we offer are:- Safety Program Audits- Online Training Programs- Digital Reporting Forms- Toolbox Talks- Safety Manuals- Safe Behavior AuditsOur online training programs can be customized to suit your companies needs. We currently offer courses on safety, leadership, and human resources. All courses can be made available in English and/or Spanish.Contact us today to find out how we can assist you in strengthening your Safety Culture!