Technology in business is often misused or misunderstood.Used incorrectly, it can become a hindrance instead of a medium for progression and growth. Consultants can act like salesmen rather than problem solvers, selling quick fixes instead of designing and implementing tailor-made solutions. The systems fail, the technology isn't used efficiently... and it could all have been avoided with a different approach.IT Designer was born out of a passion for enhancing business through technology. Through listening to our clients' needs and deeply observing the business' systems and their deficiencies, our consultants truly understand the needs and requirements of the business, finding and implementing the right solutions for the business' growth and educating our clients in their use.For every technology solution that is recommended, there will be strong reasoning for the choice — one that directly relates to the wellbeing of the employees or to the satisfaction of the clients, both of which would ultimately lead to better business.Our advice is always independent of any specific technology vendor or service provider; therefore we will design a tailored technology solution specific to the client's business needs.