Liken is an app that will allow users to ask for recommendations of people within their social network or from amongst their phone contacts while they shop. Research has shown that over 50% of people do not trust the recommendations that they read on various sites, such as Amazon, Yelp, Google, etc. as they do not know who has placed those statements online. The comments could have been placed by the company to make their product appear to be well liked by consumers, or by competition who wish to smear other companies or products. I have personally experienced these untrustworthy comments/recommendations when searching for services or products. Who do you trust? People that you personally know. Research has also shown that most people who are shopping use their phones not to look up product information, but to make calls to their spouse, friends, family or colleagues to get advice. There is no app that allows a user to do that in a quick, simple manner and get real time results that will help them with their buying decisions. That is the service that Liken will offer.