Trent Estes

Firefighter / Paramedic at Colerain Township - Cincinnati, Cincinnati, N/A

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Colerain Township
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Colerain Township

Cincinnati, Cincinnati, N/A • 250 - 499 Employees

Colerain Township was first settled in the spring of 1790 by a surveyor, John Dunlap, who named the settlement after his birthplace of Coleraine, Ireland. The settlement, Fort Coleraine, commonly called Dunlap's Station, was located on the bend of the great Miami River several miles below the bridge to Ross, Ohio.Only one year after it had been settled, Dunlap's Station was temporarily abandoned following a brutal attack it sustained by Native Americans. John Dunlap and the 11 families living at the Fort moved down river to the settlement at North Bend.In 1794, Coleraine was established as a Township. The "e" at the end of Coleraine was dropped sometime later, Americanizing the name Colerain. The villages of Barnesburg, Bevis, Dunlap and Groesbeck were established in the early 1800′s along Blue Rock and Colerain Roads, two of the oldest roads in the area. German immigrants farmed the southwestern portion between 1840 and 1870, heavily influencing the township's cultural and architectural traditions.Today, Colerain Township is the 2nd largest township in the state of Ohio encompassing 42.9 square miles while serving 58,499 residents. Colerain Township is located north of Cincinnati and is conveniently located off of two major interstates providing easy access to our residential and business communities.Residents and businesses of Colerain Township receive the benefit of a full-service township providing a variety of services including Administration, Police, Fire & EMS, Planning & Zoning, Parks & Services, Public Works, and Senior & Community Center.

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Details about Colerain Township
Frequently Asked Questions about Trent Estes
Trent Estes currently works for Colerain Township.
Trent Estes's role at Colerain Township is Firefighter / Paramedic.
Trent Estes's email address is *** To view Trent Estes's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Trent Estes works in the Government Administration industry.
Trent Estes's colleagues at Colerain Township are Tawanna Molter, John Yoker, Debbie Potzner, Korey Day, Logan Rodenbeck, Daniel Meloy, Helen Tracey-Noren and others.
Trent Estes's phone number is 513-385-7500
See more information about Trent Estes