Pacific Power Batteries sells "Batteries for Everything." By that, we have established 5 company-owned retail stores and an affiliated, up-n-coming franchise business. Currently, our first franchise store in Bellingham is owned by Frank and Cheri Nelson. The Nelsons are in charge of that store under the care and tutoring of our franchise agreement. We would like sell more franchises to other investors who are looking to own their own business but who just don't know what to do or how to go about it. My advice to most folks who would like to own a business is to (first of all) consider franchises in general. 1) 95% of all small, independent businesses fail within 5 years. 90% of all franchise businesses succeed within the first 5 years of business. So, if you are interested in owning your own business, give franchises a try. Ours may or may not be right for you. Feel free to call me if you'd like to ask some questions: as you know, I am not a high-pressure guy.