Identify, investigate and resolve alleged wrongdoing at your organization in a simple, affordable, private and confidential manner. Ethics Suite provides a comprehensive digital platform for the anonymous reporting and tracking of workplace misconduct, fraud, or theft customizable for every industry. Clearly independent, simple, and mobile.According to fraud experts, the typical organization loses 4-5% of annual revenues to fraud, and the average loss for 4 out of 5 small businesses that are victims of embezzlement is more than $800,000. Furthermore, in 2019 alone there were more than 550,000 calls made to the EEOC toll-free number resulting in millions of dollars in fines.Employee tipoffs continue to be the most common method for fraud detection. With affordable subscriptions for businesses of any size, Ethics Suite offers a confidential, independent, and anonymous method designed for any employee to report to their employer any conduct that may be unethical, illegal, or in violation of workplace policies or professional conduct standards. These reports are accepted confidentially and shared with the business owner or their designated representative. We believe this is the most effective way for an organization to remain informed about conduct that may impact its business, and to resolve them internally before they spiral into larger, costly or public problems. We also provide a back-office system (MyEthicsSuite) to our subscribers that allows them to track each report and actions taken in response.Demonstrate to your team that you are committed to providing a workplace that operates with the highest ethical standards, and stay informed about important issues will help you resolve them internally before they spiral into larger, costly, or public problems. Visit us at:www.ethicssuite.com yet, call or email us and schedule a demo at: (844)