Associated Services Employment Check (a division of Associated Background Check Inc.) has been providing quality background reports to our corporate and non-profit clients since 1981. We offer a comprehensive suite of background screening services with nationwide coverage. NO CONTRACT REQUIRED! Just order the services you require as you need them. Standard and custom packages are available, or you may order a-la-carte as needed.Our client base ranges from large international corporations, to small to medium companies, "mom and pop" shops, and Non-profit organizations. We can meet your needs no matter how large or small!Our online system is available 24/7 for all clients, including SwiftHire - our mobile friendly, electronic consent system for automating the background screening process.Additionally, if you do not want your recruiting, HR, or other office staff to have to spend precious time doing data entry to order your background checks, then take advantage of our in-house order entry department--we can take that task off of your hands. We are customer-centric, flexible, and specialize in proactive customer service and fast turnaround times.Call today at 1.800.290.1826 ext. 28 or E-mail: sales@assocserve.comYou may also visit our web site: