PT. GRAHA CITRA DATA is an Indonesian Premier Enterprise Managed IT Services provider that offers IT consulting services designed for the needs of business — and your budget.We provide a variety of IT services that streamline business operations while reducing overall IT expenses. Our methodology of managing IT is based on our renowned principle, which is "Managing IT Operations through OPEX, SLO and SLA"Our core strengths are its Expertise, Quality of Service and Value-Added Services that allow the customer quick time to market and easy upgrade paths. Our services demonstrate an unrivaled range and scalability that allow various customized solutions for each customer's individual requirements.Each PT. GRAHA CITRA DATA "next-generation" Data Centres (DC) combines state-of-the-art facilities with a team of Professional Managed Services experts that monitor, secures and assists in the mission-critical operations of the Information Dependent Enterprises (IDE). The PT. GRAHA CITRA DATA DC deploys state-of-the-art security detection and biometric systems, raised floor protection from water damage, environmental optimization and monitoring controls and fire suppression systems. Its redundant n+1 principle for power, infrastructure and bandwidth combine with carrier neutrality and a bandwidth utilization upgrade principle of 30% to ensure excellent performance of the business web site.