All mammals have an endocannabinoid system that gets depleted over time due to illness, stress etc. CBD replenishes our cannabinoid receptors signaling our brain to bring our bodies back to homeostasis (everything in balance) and self regulate. I am dedicated to bringing you knowledgeable information about cannabidiol (CBD) so you can make an informed decision on whether it is a right fit for you. I am an advocate for the use of pure, safe, clean CBD, your health and well-being depend on it. I will be happy to research your current brand of CBD to ensure you it is free of pesticides, chemicals, solvents, E coli and other toxins, we have even found some with traces of drywall. Not everyone cares about what is in it as long as it sells. Also, I will check the ingredients, there should only be two, the CBD and the carrier oil, off brands may contain glycerin, water, or other oils that, alone may not be unhealthy but have no place in CBD oil, they take away from the actual amount of CBD you get in each drop which compromises the effectiveness, making you use more to get the desired results you would get with only two ingredients. This also makes it less cost effective.Using CBD sublingually gives the best absorption rate but we offer gummies for children or others who cannot hold it under their tongue. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Shoot me a friend request on facebook, and I will add you to a group of testimonials about how CBD oil has helped someone with just about every health concern you can think of. message me here to let me know who you are so I will accept it. I'm here to help. God bless.