Starting out as a small garment factory at the bustling district of Binondo,Manilain 1954, the company's founders put into production their aspiration of revolutionizing innerwear fashion in thePhilippines. In this small nook at the heart of a rapidly changing city they began to manufacture, with skillful precision and meticulous craftsmanship, men's undergarments particularly men's briefs, boxer shorts and undershirts. It was tough times for the post-war Philippine economy, but with perseverance and determination, the enterprise pulled through and emerged to be the strong company it is today. Carrying the brand name Walker, we have been one of the forerunners in the Philippine men's undergarment industry and have become a generic name for underwear. For a time, Filipino consumers connoted briefs to Walker and vice versa. Our company has had a handful of celebrity endorsers of diverse backgrounds ranging from Athletic personalities such as Vince Hizon, Sonny Alvarado and Erik Menk; matinee idols such as Alfred Vargas and Jericho Rosales; and teen idols such as Dion Ignacio, Biboy Ramirez and Matt Evans. On top of the traditional blacks, whites and greys in undergarment color choices, we have recently experimented with out-of-the-box designs in innerwear fashion. We call this the Extreme Series. Exploring eclectic designs and vibrant colors this series is essentially a reflection of a dynamic and energetic personality who is not afraid to go against the tide or stand out from a crowd.