1. WeOU is a collective of interdisciplinary technologists aiming to leverage emerging innovations by searching and proposing alternative technological trajectories through the empowerment or development of socially-engaged communities. 2. We seek to develop new solutions. At the start of the 21st century, humanity is challenged by rising inequality, global warming, and employment automation. Considering innovation as a transformative force capable of re-organising society, we choose to re-create generative socially-minded enterprises capable of establishing a blueprint for an alternative and sustainable future. 3. Several projects operate under WeOU. Attention has primarily been given to The Energy Collective, a research-based consortium prototyping blockchain and energy in a Danish Ecovillage; CPH Foodtech Community, an open-source community-based development of vertical farming; Fractal Flows, developing a tool for scientific consensus; and Community Bar, a co-creation meetup for meetup organisers.