Celebrating 60 years in 2010, O'Connor has been a Maine owned and operated dealership since 1950. O'Connor started out as a truck and bus business. The key to success, whether working with an individual or a business, was making certain that the new truck or bus fit the specific needs of the customer. The O'Connor success formula was a simple one: More Truck for Less Bucks.The O'Connor reputation for employees with excellent product knowledge helped the business grow as they expanded into passenger cars and light duty trucks. Along the way O'Connor added Buick, then Pontiac, as well as Chevrolet and Cadillac. And O'Connor continued adding service capacity.In 2005 the Hutchins family purchased the dealership. Randy Hutchins had been a dealership employee for fourteen years when the O'Connor family passed the torch! At about that time a brand new facility was constructed for the O'Connor Collision Repair Center.Now, O'Connor has taken down the old Kirschner building and made room for our brand new facility that has become the center of O'Connor's expanding business, serving customers for decades to come.