Wunderlabel is a supplier of the highest quality products available in the global textile label market:ā We've been producing labels šš¶š»š°š² š®š¬š¬š° and we're still growing at a rapid pace!ā We are selling professional quality labels in ššŗš®š¹š¹ š¾šš®š»šš¶šš¶š²š. We're offering some of lowest order minimums in this market.ā šš š½š²šæš¶š²š»š°š²š± ššššš¼šŗš²šæ š¦š²šæšš¶š°š²: On weekdays, you can reach us on every channel. ā We're proud of our lightning š³š®šš š±š²š¹š¶šš²šæš to our customers all over the world.ā All of our š½šæš¼š±šš°šš š®šæš² š½šæš¼š±šš°š²š± š¶š»-šµš¼ššš². From beginning to end, your order is produced in the Wunderlabel production facility by Wunderlabel employees.ā All of our products are produced using only the finest šµš¶š“šµ-š¾šš®š¹š¶šš šŗš®šš²šæš¶š®š¹š. All materials used are certified and tš²ššš²š± š®š“š®š¶š»šš šµš®šæšŗš³šš¹ šššÆššš®š»š°š²š. ā Our weaving process consists of your artwork being mapped onto the weave of the label, each color is given a separate thread. These threads create the label from scratch by twisting and weaving the threads into a strip. This state-of-the-art weaving process assures š±ššæš®šÆš¶š¹š¶šš, šš¼š³šš»š²šš and a š°š¹š²š®šæ šæš²š»š±š²šæš¶š»š“ š¼š³ šš¼ššæ š¹š¼š“š¼ š¼šæ š®šæššš¼šæšø.ā Our labels are made on ššš®šš²-š¼š³-ššµš²-š®šæš šš²š®šš¶š»š“ šŗš®š°šµš¶š»š²š using the latest profession weaving technology. Each label is then hand cut to guarantee precision and a top quality finish.ā Our client base currently consists of private clients, well-known fashion brands, corporations and many small to medium sized businesses.https://wunderlabel.com(+1) 800 650 0538info@wunderlabel.comhttps://wunderlabel.co.uk(+44) 2070 996 617info@wunderlabel.co.uk https://wunderlabel.fr( +33 ) 1 86262737info@wunderlabel.frhttps://etichettanome.it(+39) 0245557018info@etichettanome.ithttps://wunderlabel.es(+34) 932202392info@wunderlabel.es