Ts Sibin

IT Manager at Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) - , Selangor, Malaysia

Ts Sibin's Contact Details
Petaling Jaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)
Ts Sibin's Company Details
Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) logo, Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) contact details

Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)

, Selangor, Malaysia • 11 - 50 Employees
Higher Education

Independent, non-political and non-profit, MIM serves as a platform for the free exchange of management knowledge and experience, bringing together managers and organisations from all fields of human endeavour. It is also a development centre committed to enhancing and maintaining professional management standards. Amongst MIM's core products and services, are management development programmes designed for the improvement of skills and knowledge of its participants. Our programmes are attuned to market needs, preparing participants for current and future work demands.MIM draws its strength from its individual and corporate membership with representatives from virtually all sectors of economic activity in the country. MIM also accords Honorary Fellowships, the highest grade of membership, Court of Emeritus Fellows and General Council to outstanding individuals who have contributed significantly towards the field of management. As a professional body, each member contributes an entrance fee and annual subscriptions. These subscriptions are channeled back to members through the upgrading of facilities, improvement of existing training programmes, and development of new programmes to keep members abreast with the latest in management theories and practices. MIM's national charter and challenges will require it to be innovative and forward looking to prepare Malaysian workers and the present and future generation of managers to be able to competently handle and manage new dynamic challenges, enabling us to navigate our way to compete successfully and to achieve our Malaysia 2020 vision of becoming a developed nation.MIM is a partner for collaborative activities with other allied institutions and a member of the Asian Association of Management Organisations (AAMO).

Details about Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)
Frequently Asked Questions about Ts Sibin
Ts Sibin currently works for Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM).
Ts Sibin's role at Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) is IT Manager.
Ts Sibin's email address is ***@mim.org.my. To view Ts Sibin's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ts Sibin works in the Higher Education industry.
Ts Sibin's colleagues at Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) are Stella Jacobs, Jamalullail Aripin, Suganthi Subramaniam, Zuraida Shariff, Kanaga Sundari, Shanti Subramaniam and others.
Ts Sibin's phone number is
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